World Business Lenders, LLC

252 Total Employees
Year Founded: 2011

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At World Business Lenders (WBL) Our motto, 'We Lend. You Grow'​ is simple, yet powerful. We make working capital available to eligible businesses for expansion and growth.

WBL was founded by a seasoned team of entrepreneurs with strong track records of launching, financing and growing successful small businesses. We understand what businesses need in terms of working capital, and are well-aware of how little is actually available for small businesses in the current marketplace. WBL understands how additional working capital can help you navigate your business to maximum success.

Our unique approach to lending makes your business the focal point for loan decisions. Instead of concentrating on personal assets and a business owner's credit score, we believe the history and financial performance of your business should outweigh all other factors in our decision making process.

WBL bases each loan decision on your business’s ability to make affordable daily payments to satisfy the loan. While there are many challenges small business owners face, WBL believes access to working capital shouldn't be one of them.

WBL's sole focus is making loans to small businesses. This is all we do!

We Lend. You Grow.