StarClinch is a platform to discover and book performance artists and live entertainers. Our extensive listing of models, dance Troupes, live bands, photographers, musicians and singers; serves as a tool to find the best talent for your gathering. We are committed to helping the talent buyers book high-quality entertainers for their weddings, parties, inaugurations, corporate events or whenever there's a reason to celebrate! Our aim is to bridge the gap between a host and an artist, through a secure, cost-effective and transparent medium. We are continually working towards nurturing an environment which is focussed, reliable and opens up an array of opportunities for entertainers and organizers. We are excited about performing arts and are building a booking platform for performing artists. Our Team is filled with professional musicians, singers, dancers and we throw crazy parties :) Booking entertainment online for an event/party is hard and we are working on cutting-edge technologies, algorithms and transaction flows to make this problem smooth and hassle-free.
StarClinch Offices
OnSite Workspace
Employees work from physical offices.
Typical time on-site:
New Delhi, Delhi, IND